The democrats are literally not a political party lmao
I like the trillbillies assessment that they are a lifestyle brand that fundraises on the possibility of the people that give them money could someday be as rich and as virtue signaling as them.
I’m not sure what one it is. It’s probably from about a year ago, but my sense of time is so messed up
So, the Democratic Party = Goop, for PMC climbers
My god, it all makes sense.
I’m sure the Dems would have another set of Manchins or Sinemas lined up.
What’s that called when they have someone in the own party that goes against them? It’s not controlled opposition is it? I can’t think of the term
Just kill him fuck
@congressbaseballfan you’re needed
What’s going to happen once the media learns about this site once someone here decides to play Minecraft Hardcore Mode?
Liberals deserve the hell they’ve created. The only sad thing is that I can’t hold them against the fire until they’re ash and no longer a threat to meaningful people.
Half of the Judas goats are defending him as tHe bEsT wE’vE gOt because he vOtEs fOr jUdGeS. Absolute fucking cancer.
Liberals are literally incapable of thinking about revolution in their country. The new line is that Joe Manchin will vote for judges that are pro-choice.
They watered down the bill before the vote…
“In the latest version of the bill, Democrats removed nonbinding language about transgender rights and the disparate racial impacts of abortion restrictions, amid concerns from moderate members of the caucus.”