[CW: Violence, Death, Stalking]
Updated body count as of a few minutes ago:
19 kids, 3 adults including the gunman.
He also cyberstalked a woman before shooting.
Fuck this country. 3rd deadliest school shooting after Sandy Hook and VA Tech.
This is just really hitting me like a train, comrades. These poor people, the tiny babies. Dead for what? This bullshit? 40,000 years of human civilization and this is the bastion of democracy?
I try to teach my own children to be kind and empathetic, to love and reach out with kindness in a world that already has so much cruelty, but how do you explain this? What do you say to the families that are so devastated? This is the price paid for freedom and consumption?
How are things so bad in the Imperial core? We sit atop plundered riches on a skull throne, and this is the bounty we’ve reaped? Just buckets of blood spilled?
I feel so terribly for my friends and family who are having kids now. I feel like I can hardly bring anything up about the future without some implicit warning about the health and safety of their children
It’s hard sometimes, friend. I think on the world we’ve created, and the complicity I feel in the making of it. I don’t know. It’s just so much death. Covid, mass shootings, our periodic carpet bombing of the third world. And then just the poor innocent children slaughtered at elementary school or incinerated in a drone strike.
How does it all end? How did so much death become so normal? Columbine was such a big deal, and it was only 20 years ago. I feel crazy or something, like I’m the strange one for feeling this way.
I feel crazy or something, like I’m the strange one for feeling this way.
They’ve been trying to atomize this shit for decades now so we never see it for the systemic issue it is. At least here I can see sane and sober responses to this tragedy. Love to all my comrades, if you’re feeling weird you can PM me and we can talk. Open invitation. Times like this we need human connections and if you aren’t getting enough IRL or online or whatever I’ll listen.
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What a deeply deeply sick and depraved country, absolutely pathetic and disgusting that this perverted country somehow continues normally existing. There are widespread guns and troubled young people in the whole world, but only the US has reached such a vile degree of wretchedness that accepts a reality where literal children are mercilessly gunned down in schools every few days. I truly wish that a merciless God exists and could condemn the evil society that has grown here.
It’s worse. The way Abbot said it live it is VERY clear he doesn’t give AF about the teacher. At least at Sandy Hook the teachers were respected as well. But nope, in current era the teachers can go fuck off and probably also deserve it according to most conservatives
I mean look at covid. Teachers were already on the sacrificial altar of capital. Kids are just the newest addition.
Hey, you forgot that some of the kids might have been killed by police crossfire.
They lit that place up.
Weeks away from when they just drone strike the whole school and go “mission accomplished”
Absolutely bizarre how I have to go into work tomorrow, do my stupid fucking job and act as if 14 CHILDREN weren’t gunned down at an elementary school
I think about that tweet that says something like “Every day I have to wake up and face the most horrific shit I’ve ever seen and then go around saying things like ‘nice weather we’re having’” a lot.
Imagine having to send your kids to school tomorrow. I gotta GTFO of this shithole country
Kevlar backpacks should’ve been the signal for another country to take us over.
My country is also a neoliberal hellhole, but if this happened here it would be an unprecedented tragedy and there would at least be a nationwide minute of silence in schools tomorrow or something. Hell, I could see some elementary schools closing entirely for a day to allow freaked out parents to cool down.
Just how far gone the US are is nothing but shocking, it should be a cautionary to every nation on this planet, and the fact that there still people who glamorize it is absurd.