I was driving and this song came on the radio and it instantly pissed me off. Not only did he butcher a classic song, but it just seems so fucking pointless. Who the fuck is listening to this? Jack Harlow is like drake if drake was fully white and had 0 good songs. Shit’s not even mid. It’s synthetic weed tier music
I thought you were exaggerating but no, even his voice is basically the same as Drake
He’s entirely industry created and fueled by tik tok, theres no way anyone actually likes him or
He’s easy to market. Doesn’t matter if people like the music or not.
Streisand Effect. You’re giving whoever this is free publicity.
I thought the Streisand effect was when you try to hide something and it makes them popular
Trying to stop something from happening only to publicize it and make it far more well known than it would had you just not said anything.
Yeah this song sucks. It’s like Little Dicky if he was even worse.