Hi everyone! A day later than usual this week with the holiday and all. Got anything fun and exciting going on you want to share? Anything especially good happen to you lately?
Remember you are loved! :stalin-heart:
For my own part, tour is fully booked for august/sept now, and even more exciting - I HAVE NOT TAKEN A SINGLE MILLIGRAM OF PHENIBUT SINCE LAST FRIDAY! You are all welcome to join me in flexing on Jordan Peterson here, as its not often I get to flex on anyone. Anecdotally (since there arent any good studies), this weekend could be hell for me as it takes about a full week for WDs to ramp up, but fuck that I’ve got this.
Doing. Started new medication a few weeks ago (Concerta, a Ritalin-like kinda thing) and I feel like I am able to focus a bit better. Almost done with my semester at work so, things are looking up.
Having so much trouble writing anything, tho, and I have a deadline coming up at the end of July (working on a rather massive TTRPG adventure module/book with a grant from the local tourism office). I haven’t set a word on page for about a month now; basically just thinking of writing fills me with dread.
Everything’s chill otherwise, lol
Glad to hear the meds are helping! Can relate on the writing - band has been working on a big concept piece based on At The Mountains of Madness for a while, but its SO HARD for me to write even a single song.
And, I don’t know if you are talking about writing music or lyrics, but one thing that helped me greatly when I was working on Lovecraft-related projects was putting some Cryo Chamber stuff in the background (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-pZbPNpLhI). I was mainly writing creative fiction but, when it comes to music, I find that improvising over anything that sounds like what I’d like to do helps get the juices flowing when I start a writing session.
The Cryo Chamber stuff is great! And yeah, just music. We’re doing some work on another drone piece tonight, so putting a pin in that for now, but I still feel like it just takes me too damn long to get anything out - and when I do think of a solid idea, the question becomes “where does this go? what do we do with it?”
The local tourism office gave you a grant to work on a TTRPG thing? How’d you get those two to connect?
Basically I am working on a Berlin - The Wicked City type of thing set in my hometown in the 1930s. Since it is heavily researched and will involve historically significant characters, it qualifies as promoting local culture/history and, thus, they offered me some money they’d gotten from the government for that type of project.
The element that sealed the deal, tho, is the interactive map I am working on on WorldAnvil where people will have access to a re-creation of my hometown in the 1930s.
Got a couple new coworkers in the past week, off to a good start interpersonally and I’ve already started a teeny bit of agitating.
Found a house where a comrade used to live and its price had been slashed to less than 1.5x my gross annual earnings. Might buy it.
It’s been a while since I cooked something good, I think I might make a big batch of ramen or a curry dish. Told a coworker I’d bring everyone falafel for lunch at some point so now I have to follow through on that.
i finished the last Poppy War book and i’m awful disappointed. i feel like the author really ran outta steam and kinda limped and rushed to the end. which makes me sad cause i got awful invested thru book 1-2
also disappointing is slight spoiler
no-body ever actually kisses you cant fukin talk about how pretty everyone is and how they wanna kiss each other and love each other but never actually show it? cmon man
bummer bummer stuff ive been talking about these books so much and pouring my freetime into them only to be disappoint. :sadness:
You do got this! If it starts feeling bad, maybe boot up cytube and have a convo with your comraderinos?
I have been hanging on CyTube more often lately! Great place to spend a quiet Saturday morning with the comrades.
Yooo! Congrats on your time. It’s anodyne bullshit that isn’t stupid bullshit, but… one day at a time… It’s always nice to see comrades checking in on their comrades. Thanks for making threads like this on the regular.
Love ya, Corgo