Hi everyone! A day later than usual this week with the holiday and all. Got anything fun and exciting going on you want to share? Anything especially good happen to you lately?
Remember you are loved! :stalin-heart:
For my own part, tour is fully booked for august/sept now, and even more exciting - I HAVE NOT TAKEN A SINGLE MILLIGRAM OF PHENIBUT SINCE LAST FRIDAY! You are all welcome to join me in flexing on Jordan Peterson here, as its not often I get to flex on anyone. Anecdotally (since there arent any good studies), this weekend could be hell for me as it takes about a full week for WDs to ramp up, but fuck that I’ve got this.
You do got this! If it starts feeling bad, maybe boot up cytube and have a convo with your comraderinos?
I have been hanging on CyTube more often lately! Great place to spend a quiet Saturday morning with the comrades.
Doing really well! Following things happened this week
- Survived a layoff at job#1, job#2 is going slow and steady
- Finished building my home gym
- Got my driveway put in finally, just need my yard to be done and then we can fence the yard and finally let the dogs out to play
- Got a development environment set up for lemmy so I can finally start contributing to get hexbear back on upstream lemmy, hope to start actually coding this week.
My job recently moved from a proper office to a WeWork. I hate it. Hate hate hate. Tiny space with four people. Temperature is always either too hot or too cold.
I’m trying to channel that hate into searching for a new job, but it’s like the life is being drained from me.
Aye, solidarity. We’ve been back in the office 4x/week for a while now, and it’s got me looking too (not that I haven’t already been looking for over a year now). Good luck! Something new and better will come along!
Thank you. Job hunting is soul-sucking (intentionally), but it’s just a matter of sticking around until your number comes up. Every molecule of serotonin helps!
Really hoping we get this place we’re applying for. Rent is decent for the area and there’ beautiful nature literally right out the back door.
Trying to find jobs for the first time, not having the most success but still trying :akkommunism: