The neckbeards of reddit will push ‘male genital mutilation’ to make circumcision sound on par with women’s rights issues in Sudan or whatever. “circumcision” is the name of the surgical procedure and it’s pretty twisted to rename a surgical procedure mutilation. You have phimosis and decide to have a circumcision now there’s a bunch of nerds running around calling your dick mutilated.
Circumcision is an example of how untethered the US is. For basically no reason chopping millions upon millions of foreskins.
I mean just because it’s a surgical procedure doesn’t mean it’s not mutilation. Lobotomy was (and still is! In very rare cases as a last resort) a surgical procedure and I don’t think anyone would disagree that it’s mutilation. I get the issue of equating it with the more extreme examples of FGM though
If a person is lobotomized because of uncontrollable seizure disorder, they aren’t being mutilated.
Surgeons amputate patients and militias amputate opponents. But we don’t call amputation itself mutilation.
Arbitrary surgery of infants is mutilation. “circumcision is mutilation” is as inaccurate a slogan as “amputation is mutilation” because that is the name of the medical procedure.
If you want to say that your parents mutilated your baby dick through circumcision, ok. But a 19 year old who gets circumcised because of a skin condition doesn’t now have a mutilated penis
Oh yeah I totally agree with that. I think the issue comes from how it’s just treated as the default for cis male babies rather than a treatment for specific issues.
But a 19 year old who gets circumcised because of a skin condition doesn’t now have a mutilated penis
In the United States, all foreskin problems are treated with amputation simply because physicians aren’t taught anything else. In Europe, phimosis is treated by other, less radical methods, and circumcision is practically never necessary. Thus, treating phimosis with circumcision is still mutilation, just as amputating your arm to treat a bruise would be mutilation (although I agree that circumcising a healthy boy is more egregious).
I read a story of a man in France who elected for circumcision to treat his phimosis. When he later learned that other treatments were available, he was so dismayed that he sued his physician for not properly informing him of his medical options, and he sued his doctor and won.
lol my good dudebro, while I do accept that circumcision should never be performed on somebody without their consent unless medically necessary and that doing so is child abuse and medical malpractice, it is not equal to the practice I’m referring to It’s not medically equivalent and it’s purpose is explicitly repressive.
I think they’re referring to the differences between FGM and circumcision. FGM is often much more extreme and destructive, whereas circumcision still leaves the penis functional and (largely) sensory-intact.
So, obviously this is quite loaded, but as a Jew, I am going to circumcise my son should I have one. Gentiles and non Muslims should not do it imo.
Why not let your kid wait until they actually want to join your faith before them voluntarily doing it? It cannot be easily undone.
It can not easily be chosen either… Should I raise my children away from jewish life until an age they can voluntarily choose? Should I deny them the experiences of growing up jewish and then ask them to undergo adult circumcision, to study Tanakh, to hold the sabbath, etc? We all make decisions for our children. If as an adult they want to abandon a jewish life that is their decision, though I would be sad. I want to give them a jewish life from birth and to raise them in an explicitly jewish home.
I’m not saying you can’t raise your kid to be Jewish, but a circumcision cannot be undone and it’s something your child should do of their own consent. A circumcision does not make one Jewish.
Yeah I was super into it for a bit until I realized it was mostly yet another vehicle for anti-Semitic and Islamophobic stupidity.
it was mostly yet another vehicle for anti-Semitic and Islamophobic stupidity
No, it’s not. People are so upset about it because it personally affected them.
The majority of American boys are circumcised:
If anything Jews in America tend to be more liberal/lefty than Christians.
The circumcision rate in Israel is unknown but decreasing:
Islamic circumcision does not have strict rules, the preferred age is 7 days or 7 years old or in puberty.
That can be done with consent, and local anesthesia which is usually not given to babies.
Circumcision is only a tiny part of it, but religious reform and modernization can improve millions of lives.
I agree with that but denying that a huge portion of the interest comes from anti-Muslim anti-Jewish sentiment is just ridiculous.
As with most things, you can see the contradiction by looking at a related phenonemon, and gauging the amount of public outrage about that. Are people outraged about girls having their ears unconsentingly pierced by their parents?
No, it’s not. People are so upset about it because it personally affected them.
Nah, again, it’s mostly white men who want to feel like victims. I am against circumcision but I’m hardly an INTACTIVIST
I’m not going to stop fighting for human rights just because some people suck.
Nor should you but the INTACTIVISTS are literally a bunch of white men pretending that they’re getting clipped by the MATRIARCHY
I’m circumcised. No complications, never any issues growing up. Then I had sex and couldn’t cum. It took multiple tries to ever get to the point where I could orgasm because of the lack of sensation. It caused me and my partners a lot of confidence issues. It also made having a kid a lot harder. Any circumcised person is a victim of abusive trauma. Watch the procedure and tell me it isn’t abusive. Just because we “cope” well later on and are likely to have productive and normal lives, it doesn’t make it any better. Its just another blind spot that feminists tend to have, and dismiss out of hand as ‘not important’ .
Different people are effected differently. Tip of my dick is numb because they screwed it up. I don’t think they even realized they screwed it up because it looks normal.
I’m learning right now that people have sensation on that part of their penis. Like, very good sensations? This has be super fucked up thinking how I haven’t been able to feel there with my significant other. It’s like I’m less because of that.
Close your eyes and have your partner rub a feather over your fingertips, then have them do the same over your glans. My fingers are way more sensitive, and my glans is about as sensitive as my elbow.
The intact penis contains more fine-touch nerve endings that all ten fingers combined.
You shouldn’t do it at all because it is an entirely pointless vanity procedure the vast majority of the time.
However calling it “genital mutilation” does not help considering it is sometimes a medically necessary procedure and the vast majority of average people do not care that they are circumcised. It would go a long way to un-normalizing it in north america if we are just honest in the fact that it’s a pointless cosmetic penis surgery for children rather than resorting to hyperbole.
“genital mutilation” does not help considering it is sometimes a medically necessary procedure
All surgeries are mutilation if done without consent or necessity. If somebody pulled out a molar without your consent, that would be mutilation.
Mutilation is not a property of a type of procedure. Donating a kidney is not mutilation. Stealing a kidney is mutilation.
Many types of piercings, tattoos, or scarification would be mutilation if done without consent.
Mutilation is an action word, look it up in any dictionary.
Nobody has a mutilation, they only might have been mutilated.
Genital mutilation is the act of performing the surgery.
Without these very fucking obvious definitions, notions like intersex genital mutilation would not make sense either.
Transgender surgeries are by definition not mutilation if the person consents and is happy about the results.
A mastectomy to remove progressed breast cancer, or alleviate dysphoria, is not mutilation.
If done just to spite somebody, that obviously would be mutilation.
The suffix -tomy often used in names of surgeries means the act of cutting or making an incision.
When somebody has a mastectomy they don’t get to keep it.
A medically necessary circumcision is not genital mutilation.
Somebody that had a circumcision is circumcised, past tense, and whether that was genital mutilation is a completely separate question.