Why are dems like this?
They know their positions are silly, so they plan out what the criticism is, and shut it down immediately. They don’t actually care about this guy, it’s just a good two pronged own of the cons. He’s a cop, so they can be caught supporting police, and he’s a POC so it’s a great chance to virtue signal while not doing anything to improve the man’s communities material conditions.
Pro police, pro POC posturing and pro Mueller level “democracy is saved” jingoism.
Also, this is Republican Facebook granny levels of hero worship.
“Hero man does bare minimum of job requirements”
Getting whiffs of “he’s clean and articulate. One of the good ones”
Still remember pissing off a bunch of my coworkers by laughing the entire time the riot was going on
Some guy on CNN was going “They can’t do this, don’t they know they can’t do this?” and I fell out of my chair cackling
Imgur is a fucking trash can fire. It’s less shit now then it was back when Trump was running for office in 2015, but that isn’t really saying anything. There are a few powerusers who are leftist, but half the time they post sectarian shit and they come off as Western chauvinists vis a vis Ukraine and such
Currently, if it isn’t explicitly leftist stuff, it’s liberals posting things about conservatives like they’re a facebook aunt
It’s because liberalism is by no means a coherent ideology. It’s all civility, hero-worship, and a slavish devotion to decorum. What do you expect from a group of people who stan politicians?