In the new “what’s the point of Christianity” post, I saw my comment got removed, and looking back, if I had known I was posting in a Christianity community, I wouldn’t have. I have a lot of frustration and anger directed at the church, particularly the Catholic church, who I blame for recent stripping away of basic human rights, particularly the rights of women and members if the LGBTQ community, in my country, as well as countries all over the globe. I’m not trying to start a struggle sesh, I just wanted to say that I appreciate the work that the mods on this site do to keep things :penguin-dance: . FWIW, like any good student of philosophy, I read my Kierkegaard and secondary lit of St. Gus. I wasn’t trying to be edgy, I’m just not good with small details like the name of the comm I’m posting in.
This site is hard to navigate while intoxicated. Had a real “Sir, this is a Wendy’s” moment when I drunkenly commented about mass shootings in a thread about Scandinavia.
It cool.
Stuff like that is difficult to notice, but I have to enforce the rules regardless.
Honestly, sometimes I feel the absolute :posting: energy when I look at the institutional church today (protestant and catholic). It’s so far from any sense of caritas that I actually think the church itself is evil… which is honestly sad.
:gold-communist: for you though!
arguments for bringing back main