HiImThomasPynchon [des/pair, it/its]
Yes, it is I, reclusive author Thomas Pynchon
Basketball. Which might not sound like a big deal, but when you’re tall like me, everyone wants you for the team. I can dribble, and I can pass (hot damn, can I pass) but I can’t shoot worth a damn and the most charitable thing anyone ever said about my defensive skills is that they’re “technically not illegal.”
Worse too is that it’s not like I’m bad at sports. They probably saw me making a decent go at baseball or soccer and thought “Even if he’s bad, we can teach him.” They could not.
Sorry, fellow jocks. Basketball just ain’t for me.
Nice story! Tell it to Reader’s Digest!
More like “Nightcocks” am i right?
r/CTH got shuttered and I kept getting 3-day bans. I even got handed a 3-day ban immediately after I came off a 3-Day ban, both for interacting with “violent” content. So was completely unusable and all the Weird Facebook groups I was part of had really fallen off after 2019, so I was looking for an alternative and I can’t even remember how I found out about this place, but I did and I’m here now.
I stay because this place is like a hybrid of the old forums I used to hang out in, the Weird Facebook groups I hung out in more recently, and r/CTH. I’ve even ditched all other social media (unless Discord counts) because this place fulfills all the same needs, and in a way I feel is healthier. Thanks, Comrades!
The correct pluralization of Spider-Man is Spiders-Man.
Kinda like how the plural of Surgeon General is Surgeons General.
This is now and forever law. If any of you have a problem with this, I am willing to settle it in 1-on-1 combat.
That is all.
Wait when Trump says he’s going to bring back American manufacturing does he just mean “Jobs at Cheesecake Factory”?