Keep it light plz. For example, I am terrible terrible bowler. Just absolutely piss poor even compared to equally casual people, any time there’s been some kinda get together involving bowling I have come in last by a huge huge margin. I need the bumpers. I can bowl a perfect game in wii sports tho.
FPS games as well, not really a fan and have never ever been able to hack it at them. After graphics got good enough I didn’t find the perspective disorienting team sticks became the norm and I’m left handed so that was a weird thing to adjust to for me and by then it was 360 era CoD time and I wanted nothing to do with it and would just die 4 seconds into each spawn anyway.
winning 270 electoral college votes
Skateboarding. I tried learning how to Ollie for like an entire summer in highschool. I don’t think I got the board off the ground once
Ollies are hard as hell. I was pretty good at skating when I was younger and did it more and I couldn’t really Ollie 2 months in either, I learned some freestyle tricks on the side as well as bonelesses and some other non Ollie based things and just did some cruising around, I ollied later but has better board control and more tricks than my friends at the same time cause I wasn’t just grinding out ollied until I got mad. I wouldn’t get too down about it in general, skateboarding is really really really difficult, easily the hardest thing I’ve ever been decent at.
Basketball. Which might not sound like a big deal, but when you’re tall like me, everyone wants you for the team. I can dribble, and I can pass (hot damn, can I pass) but I can’t shoot worth a damn and the most charitable thing anyone ever said about my defensive skills is that they’re “technically not illegal.”
Worse too is that it’s not like I’m bad at sports. They probably saw me making a decent go at baseball or soccer and thought “Even if he’s bad, we can teach him.” They could not.
Sorry, fellow jocks. Basketball just ain’t for me.
Same issues when I played as a kid. I could get the ball to someone who could shoot, but I could not hit the fucking basket to save my life.
For me it was hockey. I tried it one year in elementary school, and couldn’t figure out any of the things my teammates were doing, like crossovers and lifting the puck. I didn’t go back for a second year.
But I believe that hockey is a dying sport. Equipment and ice time fees at arenas are way too expensive for working families. And climate change no longer allows for outdoor rinks where kids can learn basic skills for free. There’s a good reason that basketball and soccer are picking up massively in popularity in Canada, they’re both sports that kids can play casually almost year-round with minimal and relatively cheap equipment.
Punctuality. Putting things away after using them. Remembering where I put my phone after putting it down in front of me one second ago. Calling you on your birthday. Opening my Mail and responding to it.
Took me 25 years to recognize I had ADHD.
On a lighter note: Chess. Hate that fucking game. Makes me feel stupid everytime I look at a board. Everything is fine and suddenly your queen is hanging and your opponent gives you a smug look, as in “did you really miss that?”.
Chess is one for me but in that I literally don’t know how to play it, as in don’t really know what pieces do what or even which is which. They are as follows, king, queen, horse, castle, other guy, pawn.
The first time I tried playing chess it was online and I fucked up and had it so I could only move one piece to one space but since I didn’t know the rules I thought it just wasn’t letting me move and was desperately apologizing to the other player via the chat for not understanding how to play
They beat me, btw
I was pretty good at chess, but when you get to the point where the only people at your skill level are 60 year old men who take 5-10 minutes per move I got incredibly bored. This was before the age of online chess, so the pool of opponents in my bumfuck nowhere area was tiny. Maybe I should try again with the emergence of online speed chess.
But yeah, patience is something I’m bad at I guess.