Cringe for using a quote from a childrens cartoon to describe a very real and nuanced reality
Double cringe for using the Ba Sing Se quote to describe China when the west is actively pretending COVID is over.
Everyone conveniently forgetting that a Spanish university found traces of covid in Spanish sewage samples from Feb 2019.
Saying that COVID must have started in Wuhan because of the virology lab makes about as much sense as saying that oncology labs cause cancer because so much cancer “starts” there.
The average white westoid male doesn’t even need CIA prompting to disregard facts that make the West look bad and PoC look good.
Yeah yeah what the fuck happened with that? There was also some articles saying it might have been in Italy? I haven’t bothered to look at it in the last year+
Reuters wrote
The new coronavirus was circulating in Italy in September 2019, a study by the National Cancer Institute (INT) of the Italian city of Milan shows, signaling that it might have spread beyond China earlier than thought.
The WHO said it would contact the paper’s authors “to discuss and arrange for further analyses of available samples and verification of the neutralization results”.
But I can’t find any follow-up articles about how that went
pretty obviously it was a natural virus and probably did originate from china as it’s from a family of viruses native to east asia and the initial large spread started in China. maybe there were traces of it in Europe before it spread big ut that doesn’t really mean anything
Nice try, China
China has a single Reddit account and they all get to share it
The first thing communists do when they take power is to merge all social media accounts into one. This is how we know that hexbear is still liberal
ah but every hexbear account is an alt for the one poster who makes up the entirity of the site
There was no war in Ba Sing Se. The war was in the rest of the Earth Kingdom hence the endless stream of refugees they snuck into the city with. Refugees were fleeing there because it was (for the moment) safe from the war. Checkmate, atheists :capybara-theorist: