Larry summers should be thrown in a pit
Once the GOP is back in power, we’ll probably see cuts to unemployment benefits as well. Seems like a matter of time after the stink raised about no one wanting to work.
Best possible system
If I were to get conspiratorial, they let Biden win for one good reason.
He is the closest the US has to a left-wing leader and now the democratic party gets to do exactly what it is intended for. Whenever enough people seem to think that the right might not be as perfect as they are told, the dems make the perfect fall guys to take the blame and restore the GOP’s good reputation.
If they really wanted to do this, they would have let Sanders win. Letting Sanders win and then making him the fall guy for a million different crisis would have done as much damage to the left as Woodrow Wilsons purges after WWI.
From what I can gather, Summers is pretty explicitly on team Democrat, and works as an advisor for them when they are in power, so I don’t think he thinks in terms of partisan / party political benefits. I think he makes the same mistake as every other neolib, which is assuming that he is able to transcend ideology and just work directly with the facts in front of him.