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I can see why you’d post this even if it’s from the New Yorker. Here’s one part that scared the shit out of me:
"Some have already laid the groundwork for establishing government databases of pregnant women likely to seek abortions. Last year, Arkansas passed a law called the Every Mom Matters Act, which requires women considering abortion to call a state hotline and requires abortion providers to register all patients in a database with a unique I.D. Since then, six other states have implemented or proposed similar laws. The hotlines are provided by crisis pregnancy centers: typically Christian organizations, many of which masquerade as abortion clinics, provide no health care, and passionately counsel women against abortion. Crisis pregnancy centers are already three times as numerous as abortion clinics in the U.S., and, unlike hospitals, they are not required to protect the privacy of those who come to them. "
I genuinely hate being on this sinking ship of a country.
Edit: And as a side note, I suppose this is the silver lining of not being able to afford major doctor visits for years due to privatized healthcare. No visits means less data to work with.
Really good piece.
Maybe this was an only on twitter thing, but does remember when Jia Tolentino was “cancelled” because her parents owned slaves?
The New Yorker isn’t too painful as long as it’s not one of their “funny” pieces.
Oh god if only someone had said something, if only someone would have warned the libs
The average human is a weak minded savage that values brawn over brain. That’s why fascist and their thuggish policies are so popular with 99% of the population. All because of the “tough guy” appeal.
This is literally what they want us to believe, it’s what they believe. There are deep problems with this view. I sympathize with what you are going through.
Someone whose opinions I respect has said the most likely future scenario for the US is a Qing-style degradation of federal power where state governments start merely ignoring federal laws and dictates in favor of their own, as well as making separate treaties with foreign governments. But the fiction of national unity and the military remain. I thinks its a good prediction considering another upcoming expected SCOTUS decision.
Fascism would result in fracture as fascists tend to identify by state. Texans hate California. Idahoians hate Washington. The Dakotans hate Chicago. Floridians hate Atlanta, Georgia. Alaskans hate everyone. Etc.
You’d get some kind of play, like in the Civil War, where a military leader attempts to charge into DC and seize control. But the long term consequences would be a total interstate crack-up.