The context to this is saying about how they’re not a fan of the subreddit LeftWingMaleAdvocates, which is a bad subreddit, it’s mostly just anti-feminist and basically just MRA, but they just call themselves left-wing. Most of their “left-wing” stuff is actually just “classical liberal” talking points, so they are bad, but calling them tankie is ridiculous.
70% of people who complain about “tankies” would use that against the Trotskyists who came up with the term :joker-troll:
We’re gonna see :liberalism: get called a tankie on live TV by :live-tucker-reaction: one of these days
Happens to me all the time lol
Every time I have a discussion about history with American leftists (actual leftists doing good praxis but still having some brainworms) I have to preface everything with “I’m an anarchist but”
Oh man, I work with Food not Bombs sometimes and they’re the sweetest people I’ve ever met and doing the best work ever. Some of them though are so obsessed with the supposed lurking threat of tankies everywhere it’s hard to talk with them outside of very immediate praxis. They even call American police “tankies” sometimes. One time a comrade called a public library a tankie facility because it had books by Marx inside.
I’d still take these comrades over any liberal though. I’d die for them and that’s more important
I asked them “what’s a tankie” let’s see how this goes
I’ve been asking people “What important historical event happened in Hungary in 1956”. Silence so far.
Should also ask them which side Hungary fought for 11 years prior to 1956 in ww2.
Tankie just mean “people i don’t like”.
Nothing annoys me more than the counter-culture customized snoo avatar.
Until said snoo avatar says “tankies”
picrews are fun!