This is completely normal and is not an indication of the complete unraveling of the country
While leftists have been arguing about doing a heckin accelerationism, the chuds are slamming down the gas pedal and rolling coal right into the Cool Zone™
Teachers can be a bunch of assholes. But at the same time many are great. Some people just have bad experiences but it’s pretty clear a lot of people benefit from schooling even if the capitalist goal is to produce workers and not an educated population
Teachers can be a bunch of assholes.
That’s because some teachers get into teaching because they don’t know what else to do, and fucking hate it. Others start with good intentions but get worn down by the lack of funding and poor organisation at the managerial level.
Also, kids can be assholes too, especially teenagers.
They have been revving to do this for years in Arizona. They were only slowed down in 2018 by a big teacher strike, but it looks like that was a flash in the pan.
plus a cost-saving measure to boot, since the total funding parents would receive through ESA vouchers is $4,000 less than Arizona’s already paltry per-pupil funding for public schools
I mean, the fundamental underlying premise here is that the pursuit of monetary profit for it’s own sake, and the achievement of it, necessarily means that you are doing the most functional good. It’s the intended & necessary end-point of Marginalist Economics, which all forms of contemporary, institutionally respected Economics are in one way or another. Social utility or “The Good” can only ever be defined abstractly/numerically, because people are all individuals with specific & particular preferences & desires. Because people all have specific & particular preferences, only they can know what’s best for them & so they must be allowed to act autonomously in the pursuit of their interests, and free markets are what best facilitates that. Thus operating profitably in the market means that you are necessarily achieving the greatest material social good.
This is all obvious bullshit if you actually look at the material outcomes of market societies, but it’s convincing enough (and flattering enough to their sensibilities) to people of a liberal mindset to not raise objection most of the time, and those who lack one know that it’s in their material interest to maintain the facade.
Do you have teachers unions in the US? Because this would probably weaken them considerably. I’d imagine that these private schools would be staffed in part by agency staff, right? Much harder to organise when you get moved around to a new school every semester.