Imagine needing a study to find that an active, trusting community has less “crime”.
Lol, this is like all those health articles that attribute some miraculous life-extending property to a certain food when in reality its because only rich people eat it and rich people have higher life expectancies.
So walkable communities and lots of foot traffic lower crime rates as urbanists have been saying for 50 years? Why do they have to push dog owners into it? Do americans only walk with dogs?
Why do they have to push dog owners into it?
Feels like a… uh… dog whistle, suggesting that large scary dogs patrolling the neighborhood are frightening off Super predators
Or maybe they just don’t want to consider that maybe people shouldn’t live in suburbs and drive everywhere lol
The suburbs are where the housing is cheapest, rofl. But pay outside the business centers isn’t great, lmao.
Yes to that last part. You only get to walk if you have a dog and you only get breaks if you’re a smoker.
It’s my own damn fault for starting smoking but damn if retail work didn’t hammer it in and make those daily breaks part of my routine.
I see people “walking” their dogs by fucking driving their car with a leash out the window all the fucking time here. My neighbourhood is just weird though.
This is in Canada, my neighbours are just freaks. Imagine a small, rural town filled with nothing but crunchy environmentalists under 35, and 10,000 carbon copies of Red Green
I remember people being mad on twitter over an academic article that said that dogs where a sign of white supremacy or something.
It was about how white people in US are more likely to have dogs and they use dog related activities to socialize in a way that excludes POC, I think.