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It’s the same reason that anyone involved in the energy industry is going to end up in Houston. It’s the center of where everything is and it’s where all the best jobs are. If you want to spend your career in the sticks, you can, but you’ll never go as far and never be as well-paid as you will in the place where everyone else is.
It’s the same reason activists cluster in big cities and you will find few of them in the suburbs.
It’s this one. We’ve been being pressured to move to LA a lot lately.
Also la entertainment business people just want you to be there if you’re doing business with them, even if it’s a convo you could have over the phone they’d rather meet up to have over priced coffee or at the very least not have to think about the time zones.
And a lot of those are last second snap decisions so You end up missing opportunities by not being able to take advantage of them the second they arrive like you would if you’re there
If you want a more direct answer to what’s happening to the scenes, gentrification and real estate financialization are shutting down venues and making the existing ones take less risks on small bands. But small bands need to be able to work for the talent pool to remain healthy, so the easiest way to do that is consolidate physically
Because they want to get bigger and more successful thats why. And there is a “limit” to how big you can get in a local scene in a smaller city.
Even LA artists from the 90s dont stick around their same neighborhood (with the exception of Snoop who still lives in Long Beach)
OP you don’t have to move to LA don’t worry your youtube channel analyzing the Marxist themes in Barbie On Ice will do just fine if you stay in Albany, Texas
And if you get tired you can move to Albany, California
Or Albany, Illinois
And so on
Lots of Albany’s for you to choose to live in
This has been a thing since Hollywood took off. It happened with TV, Youtubers, Twitch Streamers, and now TikTokers. People here have already mentioned how it’s more about connections and rubbing shoulders with other people in your field. If your goal is to climb the social ladder and gain connections for bigger deals, then there’s a good chance you’re moving to LA. Filmmakers move to LA because Hollywood and because the weather is better suited for it.
I personally enjoy it when I can see a variety of content from all over the country that allows people to see different perspectives that aren’t LA. Some Youtubers I enjoyed watching like James Rolfe or CoreyKenshin ended up staying in their cities and are doing just fine. They also don’t have any grand plans to become huge multimedia giants and that’s usually what happens when people move out there when they’re already successful. They want to be even bigger.
James Rolfe did have plans to get bigger. He wanted to be a filmmaker. But that dream went down the toilet the day he posted his misogynist non-review of Ghostbusters. He didn’t even see the movie! Now for every job he applies for for the rest of his life, the first search result will by the NY Times article calling him out for his bigotry. Goodbye Hollywood career! Hope it was worth it to trash a movie just because the stars were all women.
I assume his film career not panning out the way he intended had way, way more to do with the AVGN movie sucking than his dumb Ghostbusters video
Lots of successful people’s first films sucked. However, going in front of the whole world to tell us that you feel victimized by strong female leads is indeed a career-killer in Hollywood. There will never be a second film.
When the NY Times calls your work borderline bigoted, yes that means he’s a bigot. It’s a loud, clear dog whistle to anyone who would ever hire him. Or defend him.
Why are people jumping out of the woodwork to take the side of this misogynist? WTF? Had to glance at the top banner of this site to check whether or not I was on :reddit-logo: for a moment.
Sort of. He had plans to be a filmmaker and made a movie in LA. He then realized the difficulties of making a film in Hollywood and stayed in Philly to focus on his web series.
I guess the NY Times article pointing out he’s a misogynist had nothing to do with it. That video he made was a career-ending train wreck. He did the same thing to his career as Michael Richards. Even Richards standing next to Seinfeld and humbling himself with profuse apologies wasn’t enough. Rolfe hasn’t apologized one bit. Because he’s not sorry he trashed a movie because his fragile sense of male supremacy was threatened.
Because the people who can make you more successful are all in LA. When you go to parties in Ohio, it’s not full of executives and producers and celebrities. It’s already there and if you want to increase your chances of making it big and be in proximity to those people then you have to be there. You can’t fly there from Minnesota once a week.
Same reason why finance people move to NYC.
I’m a So Cal native no longer in So Cal.
We have one season back home and it’s called “fucking awesome.” It’s so awesome people migrate from all over the world to live there and live 5 people to a studio apartment. It’s so awesome people who can’t live in it talk shit about it because deep inside they wish their shitty climate wasn’t so, well, shitty.
Invariably someone will bring up how much they like snow. 2 things.
Number 1: You know what’s a fun thing to do in the snow? Pack your shit and move back to California, that’s what. Snow sucks. Rain sucks. Humidity sucks. Seasons are fucking stupid if you have the option to opt out.
Number 2: We have snow in So Cal. We drive to it, fuck around in it, and drive back down to where the weather doesn’t suck.
Snow sucks
objectively wrong and you’ve clearly never had school cancelled due to snow as a kid and spent the day getting in snowball fights with your friends
hey now we had school cancelled due to excessive heat. most of our classrooms were not air conditioned
Not in socal it’s not you heathen. You take that fucking hella bullshit north of Santa Barbara at least.
30 minutes from whatever you want – mountain beaches snow desert metropolis. I wish I was wealthy enough to still live there
We have one season back home and it’s called “fucking awesome.”
I lived in LA for a decade, and there are absolutely two seasons. There’s great weather and summer, but summer starts in mid-July and ends in late October. Summer is not fun. It gets just muggy enough to make the heat worse and it doesn’t cool off until well after midnight.