I’m unemployed rn, I have an ok laptop… would really appreciate some suggestions that aren’t first person shooters. EDIT: don’t mind me, I’ll be looking for torrents of your suggestions.
Emulate games and you’ll have an endless library of the best games ever made in history.
Step 1: Pick a console to emulate
Step 2: Download and install an emulator
Step 3: Download the ROMs for said console
Step 4: Configure emulators (controls etc) and play games
Faster than light (and if you like it, their sequel Into the Breach is also a banger)
Don’t Starve if you like survival games.
Stardew Valley, farming sim with cute relationships ala Harvest Moon
Portal 1 + 2, should run on basically anything made after 2015
Faster Than Light, spaceship RTS roguelike
Crypt of the necrodancer is a top down TPG that is also a rhythm game. It’s really fun to play.