It is a bit like when some chud from the US said that solar worked in places like Germany because of the weather, but wouldn’t work in Texas.
Found the source, it was about the US in general, not just Texas.
I don’t think many americans comprehend just how overcast Northern Europe is. Imagine half a continent that is less sunny than Seattle. Not even broaching the subject that the vast majority is in the summer, when the energy is needed the least.
When you realize that buses don’t run all hours
i wonder why buses and public transport are so unsuitable for American cities.
Bikes don’t run in famously snowy Los Angeles
I notice he has no arguments against trains :traingang:
“We’ll do a subscription model. You get reliable transportation anywhere at any time of day. Only $440 a month.”
“$440 a month? That’s crazy. Why would a train cost so much?”
“Oh, it would cost significantly less. That’s the average monthly cost of owning a car in the United States”
you could salt all those bike lanes alone just by rolling this doofus down the street