First, check how many minimum wage jobs will permit you to own and operate a personal automobile on top of paying rent and other necessities. When you realize that insurance is charged monthly and cars don’t run without gas, then realize how many jobs you can’t get by on with a car, we can talk about the need for parking.
That’s one of the major things I feel like gets lost in the anti-car talk. If you can’t afford a car/cannot drive you independence in the US plummets to zero. Can’t drive to work, then you don’t work for the vast majority of jobs. No car equals no job, no job equals no income, no income equals no “worth/value” in America. I hate it so much. You can’t even get on the inductive step on the path to personal independence without a car in the US. It’s such a trap.
That famous Los Angles snow
Dang bro, why we all live right next to each other and then work on the opposite side of town? Seems like awful design to me
US Urban planning sounds so insane when you put it this way. Really a matter of one or two industries (Automotive and Energy) that fucked it up for the rest of us.