local twitter user forgets how the sun works
Look, if you take the total human population and look at how many are British evolutionary biologists, it’s an infinitesimal percentage, practically nothing. So we can discount the existence of Richard Dawkins.
The queerest element: bismuth. It has a symbol of “Bi”. It forms beautiful rainbow crystals. It’s also known as a “post-transition” element. It’s used in all sorts of important industrial processes. In particular it’s gaining interest as a replacement for its neighbor lead in a lot of applications (like solder) as it has many similar properties, but has the bonus of being far less toxic.
what i’m hearing is that there are greater genders that we have not yet had the bravery to discover
Developing a never before held gender for a split second before it decays instantly into a still extremely rare but slightly more stable gender
Or when they finally split the gender atom. Radioactive gender everywhere.
It kinda boggles my mind that an evolutionary biologist and atheist has their knickers in a twist due to intersex, trans, and non-binary gender. Bro, if god isn’t real, the world is a fucking chaotic mess that decides what does and doesn’t work for weird and abstract reasons, and the social construction of God, and binaries are what stop us from advancing. Can you please move the fuck on from people’s genitals? You sound like a fucking deacon at a church, you weirdo.
It’s because he’s still into patriarchy, and patriarchy requires clear delineation between men and women, without any room for any other concepts. Look up how Dawkins responded to Elevatorgate. The guy’s a misogynist and that’s probably the root element for most transphobia.
Dawkins is a racist too. Look into anything he says about Arabs.
I’m familiar with Elevatorgate, that shit is/was beyond stupid. Dawkins, Hitchens and Harris carried so much water for tolerance of the Iraq War on anti-religious grounds, which is ironic because so many people were grossed out by George W. Bush’s declaring this a holy war against terrorism and using crusader language.
at least hitchens tried out waterboarding, dawkins hasn’t contributed anything of value to society in 40 or 50 years and harris might never have.
Biological sex is a fucking mess and the roughly 2% estimate that chuds freak out about is itself a very conservative estimate. The load bearing cope that leads them to denying even this is the belief that conditions like Klinefelter syndrome or Turner syndrome shouldn’t be counted as intersex conditions. Diagnosis rates are also incredibly low, largely because of bigotry.
The reality is that not only is the scope of which conditions are considered intersex far too restrictive (even where the 1.7-2% estimate is reached), but these conditions are massively underdiagnosed. A more realistic and all-encompassing view of intersex conditions with an accurate diagnosis count should result an incidence rate of around 5% of the global population, with rates somewhat higher in some communities.
People cannot handle this reality because it destroys their world view.
yeah but the part i’ve always stumbled on is… how? i grew up in europe for fuck’s sake, what did i miss in brainwashing class that i was never able to see it as a pillar of my entire worldview. like, even if you dont give a fuck at all, all it comes down to is are we gonna make 2-5% of the population deeply unhappy or are we not going to do that? how does this become a core of your identity for fuck’s sake…
Personally? Propaganda.
Take flat earth people for an instance. They maintain that the round earth is a concept which invalidates the bible. Such a thing doesn’t even register in the average christian’s brain. It’s simply not a challenge to their beliefs in any way. However, someone can be born into a flat earth cult and be indoctrinated since birth, or fall into such cults and convince themselves that basic astronomy is a war against Christendom itself.
With LGBTQ+ people you have a fertile ground for hateful propaganda. It’s centuries old and public opinion on even the most innoffensive gay white liberal person changed massively in just a few decades. But I maintain that people have to be mobilized to hate trans people - a concept that a lot of older people can some times barely understand - and ALSO to make it a core to their entire personality. Which is why anti-trans politicians are always on the lookout for ways to make it a relatable issue, like with fairness in sports.
It can simply not be a mess for most if people are left to their devices and given every resource to consensually deal with the problems they have!
Like, hey, dawkins, watch me NOT get triggered over a persons gender and secondary sexual characteristics… there! heart-rate is normal, so is blood pressure! all it took was letting people do what they want with something intimate to themselves and really only knowable to themselves.
real getting scared of one’s own shadow energy