Bro they should have kicked Manchin out the moment he started doing chud enabling shit but they were more concerned with stopping Bernie from (checks notes) helping the sick and poor
Kicking him out of the party means you can’t appoint judges. Nationalize his coal plant and threaten his daughter. We’re all just circling horses in the newspaper, right?
Every time this mentioned libs just kind of ignore it or say it’s too extreme… like are we taking this seriously or not?? Is climate change a serious emergency, is the pandemic, is the crashing economy?? How real is this all to the libs or is what matters is that you have nice people on TV going through ritual bourgeois electoral “politics” the “right way.”
I’m waiting for an article titled “Joe Biden needs to look at Vladimir Lenin for guidance” written by David Himmler
At every opportunity, Manchin has sabotaged Democrats’ agenda. What’s going on here? It’s spelled m-o-n-e-y
ok maybe it’s time to kick money out of politics instead of this week’s rotating villain
We’re running articles from 2009? Cool nostalgia posting