The thing is that they can never stop at anything close to a reasonable analysis, they just have to keep upping the ante into absurdity until their depiction of every situation is literally just a Marvel movie. They will keep editorializing with adjectives, epithets, stereotypes and assumptions until their statement blurs into one big pair of :citations-needed:, and that’s not even touching on all the lying by omission. An invasion of one country by another is not an eventuality brought on by material circumstances resulting from the actions of the global hegemon, its actually a metaphysical phenomenon, like a chaos gate opening because a bunch of darn tankies on criticized the US all at once and managed to puncture a hole in the fabric of Brunch Reality through which Putler psychicly directed his forces.
If my thoughts on this were more coherent, im sure I could write about how their politics and worldview is a symptom of late spectacle society, where everything has to be the most extreme version of itself, audience participation is what makes all the difference, and every moment is the single most exceptional moment that requires that we break the rules we set for others…we’ve been living in this “state of exception” for pretty much my entire life, starting when I was a little kid and any political position short of “nuke the middle east” would get you called a Saddam lover. Sickeningly racist and condescending shit from the most pompously empty-skulled motherfuckers on Earth.
I couldn’t continue reading this, can you even read the hole thing and laugh without getting cancer or something?
I hate eurolibs, I hate eurolibs, I hate eurolibs! :SHUT-UP:
Need a :bulgaria-cool: emoji
And they say Lefties make their memes too wordy lol