That Dasha or Anna ever had anything insightful to say, a chunk of my brain seemingly melts away. Nothing of worth coming from two terfs who can’t even compel themselves to stop calling people the r slur.
I don’t like this comment because it gives men of color a pass on doing this shit, too. It may have been invented by the mayos, but let’s not pretend that black and Latino men haven’t fully bought in to the patriarchy. Read anything by Zora Neale Hurston or Sandra Cisneros if you need confirmation.
“Their Eyes Were Watching God” is fantastic. It’s fiction, but informed by Hurston’s experience growing up in Eatonville, a black town that formed in the post-reconstruction south. It started as a very egalitarian community, but eventually fell to exploitation of blacks by other blacks who had accumulated some wealth. There’s also a fair amount of discourse on black on black racism, as those with lighter skin were seen as superior to darker skinned people within the community.
“Woman Hollering Creek” is a really good short story by Cisneros that discusses the role of women in Mexican-American culture and toxic masculinity, misogyny and abuse.
Oppression of women by means of motherhood has shown up in most cultures, that’s the secret ingredient that pushes you past hunter gatherers. Women get made into broodmares, patterns of inheritance through family are established, land is fought for, farming improves, and so on. Maternal instinct might be a euro phrase, but that concept is almost omnipresent
I’m going to assume that this person is just saying disgusting things to get attention, because there is no way someone could be this stupid.
They are basically grifters, and most of their audience is men who blame women for not dating them. So you might be right.
I was extremely surprised the one time I did browse the red scare sub, and it was full of mostly male incels who happen to be kind of reactionaries who want Medicare for all and a huge social safety net and then call themselves ‘socialists’ or ‘leftists’
the whole pazi shit is first and foremost a way to mentally poison pauperized cis white men enough that they become incompatible with any leftist structure out there because they’ll automatically spew deranged nazi shit at some point. it’s a wrecker factory. and ofc this shit gets rewarded by the attention economy and has a constant supply of new 4chan-damaged incels who were so close to getting it.
:jesse-wtf: I don’t even see a correlation between the things she threw out there. Straight up don’t know what “maternal instinct” has to do with autism or narcissism. Also, if someone has zero “maternal instinct” it seems to me that the only narcissistic thing you could do is have a child and subsequently ruin its life.
Also, fucking wild that Anna had a child at an age that’s kind of late even for millenials with other priorities, and she’s rebranding as “trad”.
I mean, do most people know whether they have “maternal instincts” before they have kids?
i tried listening to red scare once a few years ago and it was just completely unenjoyable. it’s like you combined the worst parts of all the generic leftist podcasts that popped up after Chapo got big