I feel like a Biden administration will start locking up leftists to show they’re tough on extremism or something. Maybe not directly, because it’s not a good look, but Ted Cruz will make a big fuss and they’ll pretend they’re having their hand forced. Maybe I’m in too much of a doomer mood, but I feel regardless of what happens USA is on a path to fascism right now.
Just know that if you hide, it doesn’t go away…
Because the alternative candidate literally wants to make being antifa illegal.
He’s already got DHS gestapo and ICE concentration camps. Let’s not allow Trump to keep checking off Hitler boxes.
Because the alternative candidate literally wants to make being antifa illegal
Biden says that anarchists must be prosecuted
Trump is actively prosecuting them right now and giving them insanely long multi-decade prison sentences. I still haven’t heard anyone make a case that Biden is worse than Trump, or that we will be better off under Trump than under Biden. Nobody is asking anybody to like Joe Biden, in fact, I hope everyone fucking hates Joe Biden. I hope his inauguration speech is drowned out from booing. I hope I get to cyberbully every one of the 12 fans he actually has on the internet every single day for the next 4 years. I cannot wait to shit on Democrats when they don’t have Trump to hide behind anymore. I thoroughly plan to be as mean as possible to Biden and the Dems, but I can only effectively do that if Biden is the shitty president, otherwise they will just keep hiding behind Trump and shitlibs will keep remembering Obama like he was jesus and blaming 2020 on Bernie and BLM.
Someone make a case to me that Trump somehow means less harm than Biden, otherwise I don’t give a shit about feeling bad that our choices are shit. They are what they are by now, wallowing in how shit Biden is just wastes time and energy when we cannot afford to do that. The gears of history are moving and they are moving swiftly towards fascism in the USA. This shit is serious.
The democrat’s version of “polite” ethnic cleansing where they pass rezoning ordinances, neighborhood revitalization projects, and build brewries is a lot more effective than cracking heads in removing the undesirables e.g. minorities and the poor.
example no. 206 that joe biden explicitly doesnt want my vote, so libs piss off thanks