Because the alternative candidate literally wants to make being antifa illegal.
He’s already got DHS gestapo and ICE concentration camps. Let’s not allow Trump to keep checking off Hitler boxes.
Because the alternative candidate literally wants to make being antifa illegal
Biden says that anarchists must be prosecuted
Trump is actively prosecuting them right now and giving them insanely long multi-decade prison sentences. I still haven’t heard anyone make a case that Biden is worse than Trump, or that we will be better off under Trump than under Biden. Nobody is asking anybody to like Joe Biden, in fact, I hope everyone fucking hates Joe Biden. I hope his inauguration speech is drowned out from booing. I hope I get to cyberbully every one of the 12 fans he actually has on the internet every single day for the next 4 years. I cannot wait to shit on Democrats when they don’t have Trump to hide behind anymore. I thoroughly plan to be as mean as possible to Biden and the Dems, but I can only effectively do that if Biden is the shitty president, otherwise they will just keep hiding behind Trump and shitlibs will keep remembering Obama like he was jesus and blaming 2020 on Bernie and BLM.
Someone make a case to me that Trump somehow means less harm than Biden, otherwise I don’t give a shit about feeling bad that our choices are shit. They are what they are by now, wallowing in how shit Biden is just wastes time and energy when we cannot afford to do that. The gears of history are moving and they are moving swiftly towards fascism in the USA. This shit is serious.
Just know that if you hide, it doesn’t go away…
It’s harm reduction as in you die within the next 4 years of a trump second term. Or die after 4 years during Trump Jr’s first term
Biden is harm reduction when the opposition is Trump, and only then.
Biden is not the no-harm candidate, far from it, he sucks folks.
But our only choices right now are a guy who enjoys finding ways to use the government for fascism and a guy who’s bumbling stupid brain gave the first guy the tools he needs to do it.
The only way he’s harm reduction is that he’d lazily stroll towards fascism while Trump would keep sprinting towards it. The left is not anywhere close to organized enough to deal with full-tilt fascism, so arguing that we should prefer the candidate who will at least give us a little more time to get organized has some merit.
Trump is not bringing about fascism though. They have no movement and he’s incompetent. He’s bringing about a shitter time for everyone but he’s not making fascism happen and he’s not helping turn liberals into fascists – he’s doing the opposite.
The left needs to not get caught up in this nonsense liberal shit that Trump is an actual fascist or bringing about fascism. Only the libs actually believe that.
They have no movement
90% + support among Republicans (for years straight, too), tons of support among cops, and a growing number of people who are willing to take advantage of cops’ indifference to go beat up people on the streets. That’s a movement.
he’s incompetent
He’s incompetent at many things, but he’s extremely competent at whipping his supporters into a frenzy and getting them to believe whatever he wants them to believe. Likewise, he’s extremely competent at soldiering through the type of political landmines that would take out most other politicians.
he’s not helping turn liberals into fascists – he’s doing the opposite
The vast majority of libs aren’t anti-fascist so much as they’re anti-Trump. They had no problem with all the bad shit Trump is doing back when Obama did it, just like all the libs up in arms about election interference completely ignored Democrats rigging their 2016 and 2020 primaries.
He is a fascist, just a really bad one. Successful fascists have at least some sort of plan, some sort of way to advance their reactionary thinking. Trump doesn’t have that, so he’s is very weak and ineffective considering the power he has access to.
It’s harm reduction in that Trump will likely be worse, but it’s definitely two roads to fascism.
Real shit, I listened to Biden’s relatively recent speech in Kenosha, and it was okay. Lots of stuff about mental health reform, drug rehabilitation, and similar criminal justice related stuff I genuinely didn’t expect to hear from him. If his past didn’t make it obvious that he’s lying out his ass, a significant amount of his platform is actually good. I don’t doubt that there are a decent chunk of people taking his word at face value that didn’t care for those “antifa rioters” in the first place.
I feel like if there were to be a malleable president, it’d be someone like Biden whose brain is essentially clay. Possibly the administration he will be the figurehead of will be swayable.