I love this channel, and starting my day with this video, it put me into this amazing open-hearted place where I long to unite with others to build something better whereas I am much more prone, normally, to angrily wish to tear the capitalist’s world down.
Actually fuck revolution, lets just spread COVID to nursing homes
the fact you have these fears and understand that Millenials and Gen Z are often apathetic libs like everyone else demonstrates perfectly that generational politics is bullshit.
in my experience, most other zoomers recognize that capitalism (whether they call it that or not) is fucked up to some extent or another but feel resisting it is futile and dangerous. more than political apathy, it’s political learned helplessness born out of the death of mass politics and organization under neoliberalism.
the apathy of Millenials and Gen Z confuses and worries me. They (we) should be baying for blood.
The fact that we are not (that nobody anywhere is, really) has me thinking that we are never going to revolt. Maybe our understanding of how to psychologically manipulate people, combined with technology, is advanced enough that people really are just permanently fucked and powerless against the ruling class.
Boomers are about to have to lay in the bed they made.
Any one that quotes Marx saying generational politics isn’t a thing is ignoring our current reality. It is a thing. And it will be a thing to boomers do something to change that.
Good and thought-provoking. But they appear to be surrounded by absolutely blessed boomers in their life, while I really struggle to muster up much empathy for the cursed boomers around me. I know I’m basically saying “a black guy mugged me once so therefore racism is justified” but it’s tough.
If you were non-stop mocked and robbed and often enough abused by black people ot would make sense if you had some problems with them. However, that’s not a real problem for most white people, it’s a kind of pointless discussion point. But boomers have mocked, robbed, and often abused younger people, so the anger is deserved.