I love this channel, and starting my day with this video, it put me into this amazing open-hearted place where I long to unite with others to build something better whereas I am much more prone, normally, to angrily wish to tear the capitalist’s world down.
Ageism is bad. Elders and youth are good.
Ageism is bad when the aged do not hold a near total monopoly on power and wealth. In this case, ageism is good, actually.
Boomer communists exist but are extremely rare. To be bourgeois in the USA usually means that you are also a boomer and vice-versa. Even if you don’t actually own any capital, the social safety net that exists for boomers + the lifetime you’ve spent having the entire country and planet bend over backwards for you means that you are almost certainly either a liberal or a fascist.
I mean, yes, boomers clearly need a lot of mental help, but that’s probably going to come after capitalism (which they almost universally adore) is destroyed.
Also, there were more cool boomers once upon a time, but most have died via social murder.
It’s a joke but true, every commie meeting or socialist thing I’ve been to either has under 30s or over 70 year olds and nothing in between lol.
So are you gonna keep this tune when it comes to houseless elders, impoverished elders, minority elders, and queer elders? Probably not, I’d guess, which means you agree with me that age isn’t the problem, having a monopoly on power and wealth is the problem. Don’t advocate ageism unless old age in and of itself is something worth punishing to you.
I only advocate ageism in the sense that any criticism of boomers results in cries of “ageism.”
Do your hippie dippy stuff if you want, but I’m not watching that. Every pit a boomer and every boomer a pit.
so this sounds fun and all, but have you considered that whether or not this is hippie dippy, there’s an argument to be made that “warmhearted leftism” is tactically expedient and possibly even our most plausible shot at fixing this hellworld?
Surely the people who’ve committed the lion’s share of the world’s resources to ensuring their continued comfort at the cost of untold black and brown lives just needed more hugs. You’re either ridiculously privileged or hopelessly delusional or both.
Or perhaps the people who did that did so not because they were born between an arbitrary set of years but rather were in positions of power over capital and incentivized to do so by the horrifically broken system they lived in, all the while other people in that same generation suffered the consequences as well (like, you know, the black and brown people you just mentioned).
That would require some material analysis though. Much easier to just assume everyone between the ages of 50 and 75 just need the wall.
I really wish changing our society was as simple as the old generation dies and then a new better one replaces them, but it just doesn’t work that way, look at gen-x, they are no better. Still I’ll be screaming Boomer Remover til the last one leaves us.
Boomer is definitely a state of mind which makes sense because what makes a boomer a boomer were their material conditions growing up. There are still people living the charmed boomer life story even today, it’s just no longer the default.
It’s not their conditions from growing up.
Almost all of them had depression era parents.
What makes a boomer a boomer is the flirting with love and peace and than snorting a shit load of coke in the 80s making as much money as possible and than reeling those ladders up in the 90s.
Good and thought-provoking. But they appear to be surrounded by absolutely blessed boomers in their life, while I really struggle to muster up much empathy for the cursed boomers around me. I know I’m basically saying “a black guy mugged me once so therefore racism is justified” but it’s tough.
If you were non-stop mocked and robbed and often enough abused by black people ot would make sense if you had some problems with them. However, that’s not a real problem for most white people, it’s a kind of pointless discussion point. But boomers have mocked, robbed, and often abused younger people, so the anger is deserved.
:this: I work in health care in the states. I know how horribly elderly people, and especially poor elderly people, are treated. Advocating for them is all well and good, but the minute someone tries to rehabilitate “boomers” I’m going to laugh in their face, and possibly punch them in it.