Paul Cockshott thinks this one is a real banger
Crazy that there’s a non zero amount of these idiots, cpgb ml not even once 🤮
Why are people so fucking weird about sex and gender? A city of 150,000 people has no water what so ever but people are seriously confronted about whether or not someone is a girl.
My 2 cents is there’s “nothing to do” about the city lacking water, the solution is straightforward and saying it out loud won’t fix it; this is an issue because idealism (used here as the belief that the ideas we espouse and believe in define us as people and have power to change the world) has eaten up the world. So you can comment only when you think that by shooting out a hot take you’re gonna get trans people to dissapear or whatever. There’s a purported problem and the only way it can be solved is if a wise guy comes around and tells us what we should think and then the problem just dissapears. This is patently untrue with most any societal problem because they’re material; you can’t outthink your way out of undrinkable water, you have to fix the fucking pipes.
[being LGBTQ is] actualized through the purchase of commodities
Two gay caveman trying to hold hands but can’t because the rainbow flag salesman won’t exist for 4,000 years.
LGBTQ (especially the T) is extremely effective as a mechanism for disciplining the working/middle classes
“Well shit, we were all set to unionize, but then a trans person existed, so now we’ll all just have to fall in line and do whatever our bosses want.”
“you should maybe not use slurs”
“egads, the roving dogs of capitalism have yet again split the working class into warring factions, how will we ever form a union now?”
“trans people are working class too, shouldn’t they be part of the union”
melts into a puddle of good out of pure rage
“the working class is burly cis hets in blue overalls with reactionary politics and that’s all they ever will be, which makes it the only revolutionary class”
It’s upsetting to me how ass-backwards-bound-into-a-pretzel their shit excuse for a revolutionary strategy is, like fucking hell…
This is so fucking stupid.
“Oh, liberals say they want women in the workplace? Then we as communists should be opposed to that! Women should stay in the kitchen!”
“This liberal wants to raise the minimum wage? Then we’ll lower it! You should be happy if you get 1$/hour!”
“Liberals claim to want to help the poor? Well fuck the poor then! Let them starve, this is what Marx would have wanted!”
Reddit-tier contrarians pretending to be radicals.
Reminding me of the student debt forgiveness “”“discourse”“”.
Activists make student loan debt cancellation and college affordability an issue.
Libs: “No you can’t do that it would be too revolutionary. Things must be done incrementally.”
Years later, finally, some very incremental change on the table.
Libs, same: “This plan doesn’t go far enough! It’s not doing anything to address the actual issue.”
It’s almost like they’re dishonest :harold-manic:
LGBTQ, (especially the T) is extremely effective as a mechanism for disciplining the working/middle classes. LGBTQ members themselves are the ideological and actual shock troops of capital.
Ah yes, those capitalist LGBTQ shock troopers that definitely exist and are definitely real. It was definitely those real and dastardly LGBTQ shock troops that looted and destroyed the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft, not the actual shock troops of capital… y’know, the fucking fascists.