Great news, truly the death of capitalism and neoliberalism in particular is imminent, I dont know what will happen to me or others stuck in the belly of this dying monster but at least I can be glad that it is in fact, dying.
Can recent growth rates persist? China’s GDP has been running hot for decades now. Seems like they need to level off at some point.
Geopolitical Economy Report did two long video discussions on China’s growth last month which are worth watching if you’re interested.
In short, yes. China can keep up about a 5% average annual growth rate. Because capital is controlled by the state, and the state invests in developing the means of production and improving people’s quality of life, China is indeed capable of achieving their development goals.
Interestingly enough, just as the decade or so of near ten percent annual growth was planned and achieved, the recent deceleration to about five percent growth was also planned.
Sorry, I’m just speaking colloquially. I just mean the GDP has been very high for a long time now.
Here’s hoping that it doubles it, and then some- and that the rest of the global south and east follows its course as well. It’s about time that actual production, actual civilizations, societies with actual human decency returned to the forefront of the world again, and imperialists who have never evolved their societies past pillaging and genocide have no place there. The west will have to undergo revolutionary change, or be left in the dustbin of history as they deserve.
The star on the bottom of that chart is doing a hell of a lot of heavy lifting.