This is the actual banner for Hillary and Chelsea Clinton’s new AppleTV show
Delete scenes from Get Out are wild.
Getting powerful uncanny valley vibes from this :scared: they don’t even look like real people
Just layers upon layers of Photoshop. Hilldawg’s original photo must be absolutely fucking horrendous to warrant so much post-work. The lighting on her face doesn’t match the rest of her - I actually wouldn’t be surprised if her face is from another photo entirely, taken in a studio, and 'shopped on - a fairly common occurance.
Material conditions? Class struggle? You had a bad dream, hexbear. We’re going to the polls so we can maintain our rules-based international system of systems where market-based solutions provide access to equality of opportunity for all who want it.
where’s that shop of them inside the cockpit heading towards the towers…
EDIT: found it