If there was a chart of this kind of thing or a solid non-SEO-spam resource, that would be helpful, too.
tomatoes are easy to grow and usually kinda expensive… they just need lots of light and water.
be me
grow radishes on a balcony
slugs somehow fucking know they’re up there???
I just don’t know how they know they’re there! How do they know it’s worth climbing, at the rate of a gott dang slug, up to the second story of this building?? There’s so much plant matter they could be eating downstairs! They’re fuckin’ obsessed I tell you hwut
if you can fight off the slugs and snails.
How do you go about doing that, by the way? I tried growing lettuce once. Completely, absolutely RIDDLED with pests. There wasn’t any edible result
If you really just want to plant and forget, potatoes require next to no effort and grow like weeds. They are however, the cheapest fucking vegetable in the grocery store. Might be a consideration depending on how much land you personally can and are willing to cultivate for food
Potatoes like it when you mistreat them I swear. I can lovingly care for a potato, plant it, water it and have it die but the chunks I cut off with an eye haphazardly sprout in the grass and so do the ones I leave in the pantry??
if you’ve never grown anything before, do (non-Asian) radishes
it’s idiotproof and also more satisfying than growing leaves
it’s idiotproof and also more satisfying than growing leaves
be me
try grow radishes
radishes are as thin as hairs
the thickest radish maybe a pinky finger, but with big huge leaves
all I’m growing is leaves for the slugs to eat
did you do anything special to the soil? That seems like high nitrogen soil
I just planted them and barely even watered them and they were perfect, harvest in 1 month after seeding
I think the problems are manifold here
started growing too hot, it’s been in the 90s all summer
put too many in the same container because I’m not Container Rich
soil probably isn’t nitrogen rich because I errrr uhhhh have been re-using soil, but I do occasionally give it a bit of that Miracle Grow ™
the most Radishy Radish I’m growing has been growing for probably two months now, and I destroyed all the others in its container. It’s still not getting much thicker though. Every single one of them seems to be growing root tissue above the soil which I feel like might contribute to them not thickening up
I figure I’ll just keep watering them until they either seed or die