If there was a chart of this kind of thing or a solid non-SEO-spam resource, that would be helpful, too.
if you can fight off the slugs and snails.
How do you go about doing that, by the way? I tried growing lettuce once. Completely, absolutely RIDDLED with pests. There wasn’t any edible result
be me
grow radishes on a balcony
slugs somehow fucking know they’re up there???
I just don’t know how they know they’re there! How do they know it’s worth climbing, at the rate of a gott dang slug, up to the second story of this building?? There’s so much plant matter they could be eating downstairs! They’re fuckin’ obsessed I tell you hwut
a fruit tree eventually yields much low effort but getting to that take a while
but yeah spinach, peppers, tomatoes are the sorta thing that go in any meal and probably the best for money saving
This is always the answer. If you have access to sunny land, fruit trees and herbs. Annuals take much more effort and energy than perennials. Rosemary, Thyme, Oregano, mint grow on their own and make cooking so much better. Add a sour citrus tree like Key limes, meyer lemons, and you can really accomplish a lot.
Winter squash is a good one when you have more space than time to tend it, and it keeps pretty well
I’ve had good luck putting minimal effort into dark leafy greens (specifically chard and bok choy), but idk if it will save you a ton of money.