Seriously, I’m generally a lurker because if I start engaging in stuff I get more and more angry. Like actual feeling it build up in your chest rage and fury. That either turns into bitter resentment that I can’t treat these fucking people to the just desserts they have coming to them, or utter defeat and desperation to just fucking cease existing.
I’ve gone to a therapist on and off for my whole life (cptsd) but I’ve never had any response. I feel like I need goddamn brain damage to function in this hellscape. I don’t know how y’all deal with chuds, libs, and just people in general without fighting back the urge to drive a truck through stuff.
I wish I liked cheap booze enough to self medicate. Always been kinda jealous of people who could just go to a bar and hang out.
for me weed helps a ton
regular exercise and regular weed
It’s love. Accepting that even the stupidest and most cruel people are products of their environment and experiences, who think they are doing the right thing. In different circumstances we could’ve been the same as them. It doesn’t excuse their shit but it helps to achieve a calm and sympathetic understanding when dealing with them, it’s not easy tho.