Shorting has to be one of the most mask off financial instruments available. It’s literally only available to the ultra wealthy, and the transaction leaves at least one party in a financially worse position, either by forcing the value of an asset lower than it would go at a faster rate, or causing damage to the institution doing the shortselling. The justification is that it forces a correction, but I think it’s one of the places where the veil is thinnest and normal people can see what a load of bullshit this all is.
But not our Trussy! Couldn’t be precious Trussy! Stealing them blind! And she gets to be a PM!? What a sick joke! I should’ve stopped her when I had the chance!
I didn’t even realize you could short actual currencies.
currency is probably the easiest thing to short since the first step to shorting something is to borrow it and borrowing currency is simple
Shorting the pound is what caused Soros’ Notoriety. Then as a farce.