for me it’s RE4, but this question came to me as I was demolishing a backpack battles run last night (pyromancer OP)
Diablo 2, you want to pick everything up but you can’t!
Escape from Tarkov
System Shock or any games where you have to play inventory Tetris. It’s surprising how common that was in games for a long while.
Honestly I kinda miss inventory tetris in genres where scarcity makes sense. Like, I’d never accept it in Minecraft; but games like Resident Evil? Absolutely. You could probably cut down heavily on the action heroism vibe by massively cutting down how many weapons and how much ammo you can carry at any given time across horror gaming, but nobody wants to do that because everyone in the horror sphere’s chasing COD player money and COD players can’t handle not being armed to the teeth in any function or facility.
I fucking hate what Resident Evil has done to horror
Path of Exile, Diablo 2, and System Shock 2 in roughly that order