I hope he’s right. I’m so tired of this shit.
I have no idea what kind of demented pervert is actually reading this stuff, when you could be lying in a meadow by a glassy stream
Things will survive in proportion to how well they’ve managed to insulate themselves from the internet and its demands. The Financial Times will outlive the Guardian. Paintings will outlive NFTs. Print magazines will outlive Substack. You will, if you play your cards right, outlive me. If anything interesting ever happens again, it will not be online. You will not get it delivered to your inbox. It will not have a podcast. This machine has never produced anything of note, and it never will.
This really hit home for me. I’m not sure capitalism can remotely create anything of worth and our modern internet is built from the ground up to serve and benefit capital.
To be normal, healthy, and well-adjusted under capitalism is to be irredeemably sick.
A foundational tenet of contemporary leftism should include post-internet rehabilitation. Helping people get offline and finding themselves again, finding community, finding a physical world again.
Wholeheartedly agree. I’ve been ruminating on the same ideas recently. Fundamental reconstruction of the internet should be a requisite for generational healing.
Absolutely great idea, I think this would definitely kill one of the social pillars that leads to young male mass shooters. Fighting against atomization and isolation would do a lot I think.
Always-on internet has been a social and environmental disaster. So many people are wasting their lives on banal crap while being caught in dark design patterns. Offpunk is an nascent attempt at this rehabilitation on gemini sites where people try to only going online for short bursts. Don’t know if that is the best place for it because gemini really seems like an attempt to bring back the blogosphere through software blinkers. The vast majority of content on gemini is extremely boring as a result just like with this substack and pretty much all of medium.
Cyberspace needs to die. A democratic internet should be a means to an end designed for climate resilience. Think mailing lists over web forums and social media made more convenient by webmail clients.
Hell yeah, i like this guy’s style. Overly wordy and deeply weird prose is my weakness