Mostly enjoy it crapping on the military, and the cast is pretty good. It is lib as shit though
It’s pretty solidly anti-MIC. I wouldn’t call it a “military movie”.
What I found interesting was to see how drafting and designing worked in an era before CAD.
Granted, but it’s hard for me to believe a guy like Cary Elwes’s character exists
This movie is the most accurate representation of defense acquisition that could ever be made.
Watching Band of brothers followed by Generation Kill is a such a whip lash experience. Even though they are both made by HBO. At least Generation Kill was made without Tom hanks interference.
Generation Kill portrays the military at every level as stupid and bloodthirsty
The explanation of the life and times of the Bradley IFV is one of the reasons I’m not that confident in the US Military’s ability to fight a motivated enemy with anything like near-peer weapons. The F-35 is the same kind of bloated, over complicated mess being forced to adopt many different roles and conform to many different standards, with constant mission and functionality over, what, thirty years of development?