Sorry if i sound like an asshole in the text - it’s like the fifth time we’ve had this conversation.
I take it your brother isn’t a doctor lol your brother is a dumbass
I know a few antivaxxers irl and they are all like this. Incorrect information, no medical training. It’s very frustrating
He used to smoke and drink heavily and he is like WHY DOES MY HEART HURT AT 30. bruh grow the fuck up.
What’s your brothers number* I wanna dunk on him
(*don’t actually give that shit)
DIRCDC Walensky states:
And we have – we can kind of almost see the end. We’re vaccinating so very fast, our data from the CDC today suggests, you know, that vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don’t get sick, and that it’s not just in the clinical trials but it’s also in real world data. (they use backticks for '
for some reason so Ctrl+F "WALENSKY: First of all, I just want to note that I share this optimism"
If not said outright, certainly implied. The beginning of the lockdown was presented to us as this big united front akin to a war that we would get through no matter how long it took to get a vaccine (with the scientists saying it would take 2 possibly 3 years done properly) and that covid was going to be eradicated and within a matter of weeks the consent manufacturing machine was totally revved up and the goal posts kept getting moved and restrictions undone and just fucking shit, bleagh. I’m in Florida and I’ve just been watching the rest of the country doing what we were doing on a delay and I am thoroughly :marx-joker:
stopping transmission: good, he says
when someone does things to stop transmission: EBIL AUTHORITARIOOO :wojak-nooo:
I had someone today talk to me about this, that vaccines don’t do anything to stop transmission. Maybe getting a vaccine to stop the disease from being so severe stops lethality because you get over the disease more quickly? Maybe you have less time to transmit covid if your antibodies take care of it in… I don’t have the data, say 3 days instead of 2 weeks? Doesn’t that mean less transmission inherently if less people have covid for long periods of time?