Ukrainians, of course, being a lost tribe of anglo-saxons who migrated down the Volga
The Ukrainian’s have the strong forward brow of Achilles, the smooth temples of King Zolomon, the blue eyes of Odysseus and the Gallic Pride of Vercingetorix
When they say the magic word AZOV, they get the power of forfty kajillion dollars
Aryan was a term from a theory that early European settlers may have come from the Indus valley based on linguistic similarities.
Hitler was once again being very weird and stupid when he started talking about aryans and he only picked blond hair and blue eyes as he thought that those traits were the opposite of Jewish
I have been informed by very earnest people who should be taken seriously that akshually Moscow was founded by Ukrainians 9,000 years ago and Russia doesn’t even mean Russians and Russians actually come from Mordor and share no genetic information with the glorious, radiant Galacian.
punchline: she’s Serbian
Nobody is more racist against Slavs than other Slavs who live 2km away over the border
We need a calipers emoji
wasn’t the old ridiculous stereotype that russians were deadpan all the time?
“о нет, my arm fell off… at least it wasn’t my leg” kinda thing
racists get to make up their own rules as they go as they get to decide the manner in which they are racist.
I think it’s one of those “believe 2 contradictory stereotypes at the same time” situations. Russians are all stoic fatalists and they are also all emotional wrecks.
It’s wild how these people will fall into tirades about the slavic brainpan predisposing the Russians to mass murder on one day and then assure everybody that we should prefer Ukrainian refugees over Syrians because they are so similar to us.
whiteness has always been a poorly defined concept malleable enough to fulfill whatever the current prevailing political needs are of those who wield it
reminder that the irish, the pastiest motherfuckers alive, were considered inferior for centuries
not just that there were theories that the Irish were secretly black people