right now, bad. Capitalism will heavily abuse it. Socialism would be better for it
I don’t think this is the right question to ask. AI/Automation is progress, plain and simple, and you can’t fight progress.
But, if you insist on saying good/bad then I agree with everyone else in the comments about capitalism/communism.
it’s literally the Luddite situation and nothing has changed about it
it is Good but because it makes large swathes of the population economically obsolete it’s Not Good
It is creating an edge for the surveillance state that makes our own organization more difficuly and will be used to disrupt us later. AI is a capital-intensive project and one where it is difficult for workers to shut it down or appropriate it or withhold their labor to prevent its function. We cannot achieve anything remotely approaching parity through taking over “the AI factory” not bend its use to our own gain in any significant way.
Until revolution, it’s a weapon of the enemy.