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Because Chuds are wrong about everything for the wrong reasons.
Dwarf planets are bullshit, not because anyone gives a fuck about Pluto, because nobody wants to memorize dozens of different TNOs and kuiper belt objects.
Fuck you Sedna, you piece of shit, I’m mandating a return to the OG definition of planet - Eyeball visible points of light that act weird. Neptune is now a large comet.
How dare you not call my big beautiful boy a planet? Do you see me trying to reclassify your children based on their size and other factors I am too stupid to understand?
I think it might be, in some small part, because this is one of the fundamental things you learn in elementary school science in the american school system (memorize the nine planets) and it is probably one of the precious few things the average american actually remembers from their schooling/about science in general. Couple that with the main character syndrome we have, and a change to their worldview is probably interpreted as a personal attack against them somehow
it’s literally the same bit people have when confronted with anything that goes against what they learned in school. CRT and that new math technique thing obviously, but it’s also why people yell “basic biology” or “economics 101” or “read a history book” whenever someone tries to explain anything outside of that curriculum to a good chunk of the populous
some sort of lingering trauma related to wasting your childhood in a prison-like facility that teaches you lies. you’ve gotta double down on it lest you confront that maybe we shouldn’t treat children this way
new math technique thing
ive seen many-a-chud bitch about the crt in schools (not that that even really happens at least that im aware of( … but i have no clue what this is
The funny thing is, it was still considered a planet… A dwarf planet.
Being a dwarf planet doesn’t make it any less of a planet (outside of describing it’s size)
People just let their own prejudices show.
i remember in 4th grade (~2007-08) soyfacing :soypoint-1: seeing new textbooks with pluto removed from solar system pictures :purge-1: :purge-2: