Like, even the libs! Everyone’s all a buncha bootlickers, praising the uber-powerful for their hard work and success, I swear. Like, hellooooo, that’s all just privilege stolen from the workers!
I signed up to work where I work because everyone there was rad. Pretty much all the employees have cycled, and now it’s all libs and chuds. Waaaah!
So this is my very deep question: like, what’s up with that??
Edit: Sorry, I realized after I posted this is a better fit for !, but it’s already at 1 upvote, so too late now!
empire dying = reaction rising
“Compromise, conformity, assimilation, submission,
Ignorance, hypocrisy, brutality, the elite,
All of which are American dreams”
I know it’s just the lyric from a song but it’s true.
Lyrics from a really great song by an awesome band:
Know Your Enemy! -Rage Against the Machine :red-fist:
There is truth in lyrics, especially Zack de la Rocha’s.
I still remember when Paul Ryan said Rage Against The Machine was his favourite band :che-laugh:
lmao, in a long line of fascists getting upset at their favourite bands for believing in the lyrics they sing :che-laugh:
Do you think the US army spends billions on advertising for fun? What about the media conglomerates who bought out your local news station? Do you think the lobbyists are talking congressional representatives out to lunch to get a kiss in the cheek? Do you think leftist ideas get selected for when your boss decides it’s time for a promotion?
I wish conspiracy theorists could see the actual systemic shit that’s making things the way it is. It truly reads like a conspiracy theory, and yet here we are :capitalist:
I’m such a big fan of systems theory . I wish people were able to see relationships, power dynamics, and patterns the way they are able to see individual choices rn.
Because that’s how power has always worked. People want to be close to power so they value the characteristics that are associated with those in power out of pattern association. Have this be done in a mass scale and you have a situation where the things that they are or do become virtues and can be used to justify their place in society.
I truly feel like we incentivize… the wrong behaviours. And not even by some grand intentional design, it’s just the way that power has shaped society. It sux. And the worst part sometimes feels like that last bit you mentioned: that the system generates beliefs that justify itself, and we end up in what Mark Fisher described as ‘capitalist realism’: the belief that exactly how things are are the only way it could possibly be. An utter failure of imagination; it’s kinda sad, tbh!
Here’s to a better world in a better future :red-fist:
These days??? How old are you? Lol