TL;DR: Musk has 23 kids and NDAs with (most or all of) the mothers because he wants them to be his Mars scions well I finally fiinished the rest of the article and I got trolled where I got this from, it doesn’t say that. I’m sorry
this was what :will-fancy: was speculating about in the last listenable Chapo episode
this article has ruined my day, i feel SICK
Didn’t the husband use My Little Pony fanart to propose to his wife on Reddit?
EDIT: And also a bodypillow of his wife. Hope nobody digs up that old blunder pic.
Doesn’t end there. He also once got into an argument over the naming of his children, revealing that the names “were chosen carefully considering the existing research on what names are correlated with success. Specifically, based on the research we were optimizing for names that had explosive consonants, were unusual … , were masculine … , and that were associated with either power or positions of power.” His comments were deleted by the subreddit mods and are still visible on his profile.
Also tried to shill his relationship advice book on /r/teenagers. Comment was also deleted by the subreddit mods, and is still visible on his profile.
Google searches for “population collapse” spiked this summer
We’ve just reached 8 billion people, 11 years after the 7 billionth person was born, and these people are concerned about population collapse? Insane.
"We are the Underground Railroad of ‘Gattaca’ babies and people who want to do genetic stuff with their kids
The audacity to compare yourself with the anti-slavery movement. Unbelievable.
They both said they were warned by friends not to talk to me. (…) Genetic screening, and the underlying assumption that some humans are born better than others, often invites comparisons to Nazi eugenic experiments. (…) [Simone] believes if that small circle puts the right plans into place, their successors will “become the new dominant leading classes in the world.”
Doesn’t sound nazi at all to me.
The Collinses, who identify as secular Calvinists, are particularly drawn to the tenet of predestination, which suggests that certain people are chosen to be superior on earth
No, that doesn’t sound nazi either. Why would anyone even suggest it?
“Contrary to what many think, the richer someone is, the fewer kids they have. I am a rare exception,” [Musk] wrote in another tweet this past May. “Most people I know have zero or one kid.”
Contrary to what statistics show, my feeling is correct, because of some anecdote I experienced.
[MacAskill devoted] a chapter of his best-selling book, “What We Owe the Future,” to his fear that dwindling birth rates would lead to “technological stagnation,” which would increase the likelihood of extinction or civilizational collapse.
This guy is going to be shocked when he hears about climate change.
We’ve just reached 8 billion people, 11 years after the 7 billionth person was born, and these people are concerned about population collapse? Insane.
Not that insane, considering the trend lines. We were supposed to be careening towards 10B by the end of the century, but everything we know now suggests we’ve functionally peaked. What happens next is the big question. If reproduction rates stay below replacement levels for a decade… or a generation… yeah. You’re talking about shedding a billion or more people and having a population indefinitely lopsided towards the elderly going into the foreseeable future.
Population decline isn’t strictly the problem so much as how we handle a surplus of elderly people. Consider how much prior generations have invested in daycare and school (or, at least, consider how much we should have relative to demand) then flip that on its head.
Doesn’t sound nazi at all to me.
Honestly, it sounds like straight up Monarchism. Divine Right of Kings. Hapsburg Dynasty shit. Elon was just some schlub with a B-list celebrity mom 40 years ago. But he hit the lottery with Paypal, so now he thinks he’s an Ubermensch. Fucking bananas. But its the exact same kind of brainworms I’d expect to hear out of the British Royal Family.
This guy is going to be shocked when he hears about climate change.
There’s a certain serious concern that collapses in food supply and manufacturing capacity will force large portions of the population back into the business of subsistence farming. And that’s absolutely going to be terrible for technological development, infrastructure maintenance and expansion, and engineering output.
But… like… there’s not really any sort of people shortage in this regard. We have enormous numbers of talented, educated, motivated people who spend most of their free time going on the computer to do the computer things. Sometimes they’re doing bank computer things or law computer things or sales computer things. But they aren’t contributing anything real to the overall economy. They’re as much surplus labor as any out-of-work blue collar midwesterner. They just found a rich vein of busy work to exploit.
The westerners refuse to tackle isn’t Volume Of People or Degrees of Intelligence. Its the phenomenal, monumental, soul-crushingly massive amount of waste that we all produce. We’re not burning up the planet in order to build a Utopia. We’re destroying this beautiful blue gem of a world so that we can argue on the internet about who manages the website hosting the spank bank.
Imagine getting cuttings from different plants of the same species. Then bunging some of them them in the back of the airing cupbord with no light or water, most of them outside in the dirt, occassionally watering them when you remember and for a very few hiring a dedicated team of round the clock gardeners to nurture their every need.
You don’t even need to ask a scientist what the reasons behind the different growth rates of the plants are. A child could figure it out. The fact that these very cleaver very rich people would pin it on genetics is literally the best argument going against their so called genetic superiority.