In no particular order, I’d probably pick Terminator 2, Die Hard, Robocop, The Dark Knight, Heat, Kill Bill 1+2, District 9, The Crow (been awhile since I’ve seen it though), Speed, and maybe John Wick.
There’s probably quite a few I’ve missed out on, especially foreign action films.
What are your picks, either popular or obscure?
Two of my favorite action movies of all time, both by John Carpenter, are They Live and Big Trouble In Little China. I could watch both endlessly on repeat and still enjoy/get laughs/have fun.
Oh shit, I forgot about Carpenter when I typed up my list. Escape from New York was also pretty decent for its time imo.
Not actually good, but I loved Crank and Transporter 2
I remembered loving Crank. Made the mistake of watching it again a couple months ago, it was fucking painful. Was on a Stathom binge so I re-watched the Transporter series too, happy to report they’re just as much fun as I remember.
“Spy” with Statham and Melissa McCarthy is hilarious if you haven’t seen it yet. Very self referential but also self deprecating from JS
If samurai movies count, Hara-kiri and The Sword of Doom.
If some samurai movies are “Make Japan Great Again,” this is the “Japan Was Never Great” response.
Nice. I heard that about the film, that it tries to undue a lot of the fluff around samurai culture. It’ll be the next movie I watch then.
movies that Tony Jaa is in them