the live action dragonball film
wasn’t even funny to watch, it was just bad
Funny enough I’ve never seen the full movie just clips, someday I should sit down and watch it just to see how bad it is.
me and a couple friends used to watch terrible films for fun
we barely got through dragonball lol
i nearly killed some friends of mine by suggesting we play a drinking game to that movie
Sausage Party. There are some bad movies that can be entertaining. This is not one of them.
Ice Spiders
V/H/S, I think it was Your Movie Sucks on youtube that recommended it as a good found footage film so I watched it with my mom who was a big horror fan and it SUCKED. Schlock is the best way to describe it with a nice helping of pre-teen arousing exploitative nudity and implied SA scenes. There was nothing scary about it, it was very aggravating to watch.
I used to watch your movie sucks years ago but then I saw a clip of him saying that animals can consent to sex with people from one of his twitch streams
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