“You’re gonna regret it”
The color isn’t even symmetrical. Why is it like that?
10 years down the line when whatever the fuck is left of Ukraine starts doing pogroms and genocide on a scale the west can’t actually ignore whilst flying this flag someone’s gonna look a right bellend.
How can you have anything but instant regret after getting something like this. A few years down the line when Ukraine becomes the new Hungary this’ll look great!
my immediate thought is “no way this guy is 43 if they’re getting a Country The US Is ‘Aiding’ Tattoo and saying they never felt strongly about anything before,” but also I guess you can’t underestimate the whole First White Country America Is Proxy War-ing In Most People’s Memories
It’s the first full-on Internet War™ so people’s interactions have boiled down to shitty memes and cartoons on r ⱻ ddit or wherever, completely detached from the actual conflict and suffering itself. So now, instead of being anti-war as a principle and trying to understand what led to this situation and what can be done to resolve it, it’s easier to pick a side like a fucking football match and wave your flag and if you don’t you obviously support the other guy / team / gang. Because none of it matters - you can come back tomorrow to check the scores and laugh at the Orcs or whatever the fucking fuck.
Couldn’t even write it in Cyrillic, pure anglo brain