Satan invented trans women to trick this man into a life of sin and he will probably go back into it.
This is basically the type of guy that will eventually murder a trans woman and claim he was lured in and tricked by their feminine wiles, right?
And given the way the law and the general feeling towards trans people is going it will be ruled a valid defense.
American society when a trans person is visible.
Wokeness irritares, bigotry kills. The former is seen as the worse offense by Americans.
Haha yeah… what grown man wears jeans and t shirts everyday :side-eye-1: :side-eye-2:
the striped early 2000’s ringer shirt with a “dumber and dumber” moptop is more of what I’m talking about. There’s a chud aesthetic.
If you never went through / survived evangelical church culture then I get not recognizing it, but it’s a definite thing.
I live in a city where that style isn’t common even for straight dudes, so seeing it is pretty often a tell Breydan is itching to “share their testimony about their walk with the lord, brotherrrrrrr.”
I just love the whiplash feeling from being simultaneously treated like a gross ugly monster and a conniving seductress at the same time, when really I’m some boring normal looking nerd whose hobbies are like baking cookies and going on hikes.
I’m literally just trying to take my HRT, play nintendo games, and raise rescue puppies. What the fuck is wrong with these people?
These better be demonic cookies and hikes leading to a witches’ sabbat, or the Dark Lord will be sorely disappointed in you. :vegan-seitan:
This is another example of why the “porn = evil + addictive” brainworms are so dangerous. I’ve seen this same ideology dressed up in the language of anti-capitalism sometimes and it is extremely dangerous.
Comment I made a couple days ago:
Dudes blaming porn are just horny, feeling guilty, and then pathologizing themselves and their own libidos.
Porn addiction is as real as addiction to any other media or behavior. You could in theory wind up with a compulsion or something, but it’s not really an addiction.
What does happen to a lot of chuds is that they’re taught their libido and emotions are demonic. Then every time they’re horny, they feel like they’ve morally failed. In many cases, they feel they’ve failed against a literal demon that is now able to “possess” them.
They then associate guilt, self-loathing, and failure with getting off and the natural cycles of their own libido. Tie that in with misogyny and blaming women / queer people for their own “failures” and yeah :yikes:
Basically it’s a self fulfilling recipe for winding up as a fuckwad. That (guilt => orgasm reward => guilt) loop is what gets to religious people like this and turns them into virulent misogynists / queerphobes / etc.
The guilt loop is useful for controlling people and teaching them to invest in patriarchal systems, so conservatives naturally encourage it. There is a huge and very profitable industry built around “curing sex and porn addiction”.
These brainworms are entirely something people can work through too, but many won’t when they think it’s how god wants them to be.
If you genuinely believe that re-enforcing behavioral patterns of emotional self harm every time your libido spikes is actually you triumphing over demons in an act of literal spiritual warfare then… yeah.
Yeah, standard church is like watching paint dry. Evangelical mega churches are unfortunately pretty entertaining , especially if you’re in a small town. It’s literally a weekly free rock concert that tells you to hate yourself and everyone around you.
Combine that with being some of the only places for community aid and you’ve got a deeply fucked up evil version of dual power.
I forget not everyone grew up with and escaped that. It’s a big part of why I’m an active leftist. I’ve had to live in the world the right wing wants for everyone and it’s fucking bleak.
For any Christians reading all this, I don’t even hate Christianity. Liberation theology and Christian socialists do a lot of good.
The church is an incredibly efficient social structure and community mechanism which is why predators and reactionaries co-opted it as a means of consolidating power.
I was raised in the church too and the process you describe here made high school FUCKING TORTUROUS.
Abandoning that guilt was a crucial first step in developing into a healthy(ish) person.
Thats not sexual violence thats a dangerous kink that people should be more familiar with before deciding to engage with it
Also, yeah, its frightening how common it is, at least from second hand sources (bi partners)
Counterpoint, the guy from that thread who said he was worried he was becoming an incel because he had hated that women shared his hobbies admitted that he consumed porn daily. I’m neither sex negative nor anti-porn, but there is definitely a connection between having an extremely shitty view of women and porn consumption.
This dude here is just a bog-standard self-loathing bigot, though. He was before he consumed porn and still is.
socially isolated allosexuals are probably gonna use porn. some of those people are isolated because they’re chuds, rather than the porn making them become chuds. some of them will be isolated because of trauma and severe rejection sensitivity, poverty in a capitalist society, and a pandemic, but it’s been a few years and i don’t hate women yet.
Just so I understand, are you suggesting that porn was making him hate women and into an incel?
If so, I don’t think that’s an accurate read. I’m not at all surprised an alienated dude with unpacked misogyny was watching a ton of porn though.
I’m saying the way women are treated in some porn is dehumanizing and I think it contributed to his hatred of women.
They then associate guilt, self-loathing, and failure with getting off and the natural cycles of their own libido. Tie that in with misogyny and blaming women / queer people for their own “failures” and yeah
You mention this rhetoric being being reframed with an anticapitalist perspective and I totally agree. I think men feeling guilty for being horny transcends political boundaries and you basically need to find a therapist (if you can afford one) to talk to about it because men don’t usually talk about those issues with each other.
The Mormon, protestant,a nd Catholic obsession with masturbation would be funny if it didn’t cause so many problems.
Also imagine having such a boring ass conception of demons that you think feeling horny is demonic possession. Motherfucker I at least want to turn weird colors and fly through the night terrorizing the townspeople.
People who outsource feelings of sexual guilt to demons and shit like that tend to give off “future murderer” vibes. Also my brain glazed over the part where he directly compares himself to Ted Bundy, holy fuck that’s alarming. Stay safe out there, ladies.
I’m never gonna date a guy where i haven’t verified beforehand, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that he’s not a transphobe. Most transphobic men are chasers, and practically all murders of trans women are commited by men like that. This usually is done to sex workers, especially black and indigenous ones, so i’m aware that as a white trans woman i’m relatively privileged in regards to my physical safety - but still, better safe than sorry.
Not to mention nobody in their right mind wants to fuck a chud. :cringe:
Not to mention nobody in their right mind wants to fuck a chud.
:this:. They even realize it too. I’ve had to figure out someone was conservative during a date way too many times because they were trying to hide their politics.
:frothingfash: “it you knew I was a republican, then you wouldn’t have gone out with me”
No shit bro you literally think I’m subhuman.
Not only that, but at least the manosphere chuds also seem to be completely incapable of enjoying sex. When you hear PUAs or people like Andrew “i don’t care if women orgasm” Tate talk about sex, it gives off such strong vibes of “i’m only doing this because that’s what’s expected of straight dudes.” It’s as if it’s a chore to them and they only put up with it because they need the bragging rights and the ego boost that come from sleeping around a lot.