nah, papa smurf was marx, why do you think we never find out his name? he’s living incognito to hide from the fed.
and his commune was anything but the usual epstein sex pest shit, they only had ONE woman and that was intended to be an op by the fed.
if anyone was friends with epstein, you know it was gargamel.
The movie is good. anyone who dislikes it is racist. if you have a problem with the name of a fantasy mineral you’re a bad person, separate from also being a bad person for being racist.
Jimmy’s right
“Everybody’s always talking about female empowerment,” Cameron said. “But what is such a big part of a woman’s life that we, as men, don’t experience? And I thought, ‘Well, if you’re really going to go all the way down the rabbit hole of female empowerment, let’s have a female warrior who’s six months pregnant in battle.’”
What would be at the bottom of the male empowerment rabbit hole by this logic? A male warrior who fights despite debilitating blue-balls? A male warrior who has to fight while impregnating his tradwife?
anti-colonialist franchise does Female Empowerment Better than Marvel
woah when did Marvel do female empowerment? I only saw the one where Grimace used the magic fist to go halfsies on everyone.
In the sequel to that one the superhero women lead a girl boss charge against the purple ecofascist
Sexism levels plummeted immediately afterward
In the first movie she’s an Air Force fighter pilot and all the guys are like “girl can’t fly jet” but then she do fly jet! And later kills bad guy
Girl Power is when you drop bombs on schools and hospitals in the middle east.