:liberalism: My politics may have gotten a bit extreme for your taste
“She’s kind of trying to do good or whatever she’s trying to do, and she’s losing — I mean, I don’t know,”
Alright so similarities:
- She’s a loser
- She’s rich
I don’t know guys, this one kind of tracks.
This seems unfair to Mon Mothma because though she is kind of a shit lib she is also sending large amounts of money to the space Viet Cong
She’s sending money down a well. She didn’t really know where it was going. She just assumed it was to a generic “good cause”.
I forget at what point she’s made aware, but I believe she was as shocked by the news as anyone. Even raced to Skatsgard’s shop to demand he admit responsibility.
actually i think he’s right, for the entire series she
basically does nothing except for financial impropriety
Easily the least revolutionary character other than the actual imperials. But her arc is also suggestive of the pressures building within the failing Republic.
She can’t get leverage as a politician anymore. Her original philanthropic designs are piss in the river. She’s a hostage to staff more loyal to the empire than her own payroll. A bit of debt throws her in with the mob for fear of attracting the attention of an imperial audit.
How does a person like Nancy Pelosi become radicalized to the point that she’s standing on the deck of a rebel frigate in the midst of a fire fight in RotJ? This is how.
The death of Aldaraan was a radicalizing moment. As it could have been her and her planet.
As to her, Palpatine was now a mad dog who was bad for business.
As she was a chancellor 4 years before rotj.
If not for the Death Star the rebels would probably have lost.
Idk about that. Lando didn’t seem terribly radicalized.
But it was a pattern throughout the OT. Otherwise disinterested parties - Solo, Lando, the Ewoks - are moved to action when pressed by the imperials.
Husband is always drinking and gambling. Probably has a driver because his license is revoked from DUI’s.
In the new canon Mon Mothma’s defining act as the first chancellor of the New Republic is to disarm the Galactic Military in the face of an obviously bellicose imperial remnant (who totally promises they aren’t interested in reconquering the galaxy), and then she promptly retires. This leads to individual systems militarizing themselves and then pledging support to the First Order, who easily destroy the New Republic at the first opportunity.
It almost seems like political satire, but no, it is just a hasty post hoc rationalization for returning to the A New Hope status quo.
She disarmed the space military then retired? She’d make a great mirror universe Pelosi
He continued, “She’s always presented as very proper and sober and perfectly put together all the time in canon and it just seemed like that was such a perfect opportunity to say, ‘Well what’s really going on behind here?’
But like, if you are setting aside all of the EU stuff from novels; in the OT she’s only in one scene of RotJ talking about the death star plans and has a 0 dialogue cameo appearance in Revenge of the Sith.
What exactly is there to dig into here?
“Yeah, you see that guy at the end of the bar? That’s Kum Guzlerr, he’s a notorious smuggler who once stole one of Darth Vader’s capes and lost it in a card game to Lando in exchange for a pair of brown leather boots you may remember from…”
What exactly is there to dig into here?
nothing. which is why i thought they were being ironic
She does have speaking lines in a few deleted scenes from Revenge of the Sith. She’s definitely more of a shitlib there, she even admits to being a Republic loyalist than a radical.